
Filippo Monteleone



Filippo MONTELEONE is CAREIT group founder and CEO – an investment, advisory, asset/property management and project management/development group of companies dedicated to provide real estate services to European healthcare investors and providers. CAREIT has been established in 2016.

Filippo MONTELEONE graduated from the University Paris-Dauphine in Corporate Finance.

He started his career at Worms & Cie in 1994 being CIO of the group when he left in 2000. After a first entrepreneurial experience, he joined Générale de Santé (Ramsay Santé) in 2001, leading French healthcare provider, and then became Deputy CEO until 2015.

Filippo MONTELEONE is Chairman of ‘ADIEF’ – Association of the Italian managers in France -, Chairman of the ‘Club Santé Afrique’ and Vice President of AMREF in France – the 1st public health NGO in Africa. Filippo MONTELEONE is also Advisory Board Member of LCL Bank, one of the major French Banks -part of the Credit Agricole. He is also inter alia member of the ASPEN Institute, Institut Montaigne, Fondazione Centesimus Annus think tanks.

Filippo MONTELEONE is the author of ‘Patients: réveillez-vous!’ (“Patients: wake-up!), prize-winner of the literary award ‘Santé & bien-être’ by Philips.

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