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Which countries failed to protect their workforces?

A third of all COVID-19 infections in Spain, Ireland and Denmark come from within their healthcare workforce. In other countries, including Albania, they have managed to keep the level far lower. HBI examines.

Using data from national statistics and a survey from the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) we have pieced together which countries have struggled to protect staff adequately. A high (or low) percentage of healthcare workers among infections is, however, both a reflection of testing protocols and how much access healthcare workers had to PPE.

For example, the UK number is low compared to other countries with widespread infections but healthcare workers could only be tested from the end of March.

Based on the available data, Spain, Ireland and Denmark have the highest infection rates and Estonia, Albania and Israel have the lowest. A source tells HBI that the global average is around 7%. The darker colours represent a higher proportion of infected workforce.


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