
Marja Aarnio-Isohanni

Former CEO Esperi Care

Former Operating Partner, G Square

Marja Aarnio-Isohanni is Operating Partner* for Nordic countries.

Marja was a Co-founder of Esperi Care (a leading Finnish care company providing residential care for elderly, disabled and mentally ill service users). Under her 15 year tenure as CEO,  Esperi grew revenues to several hundred million Euros, organically and through 125 acquisitions.

Marja has served as a Director on the Board of several Finnish healthcare companies and Pension Funds as well as the Association of Finnish Healthcare Providers and Finnish Quality Centre. She also chaired the Board of the Association of Social Service  Employers, the Board of the Association of Elderly Care Providers.

Marja holds a PhD in Sport Medicine, a degree in Physiotherapy, an MBA, and various other degrees in economics and leadership.

* Operating Partners are not members, partners or employees of, nor consultants to G Square Healthcare Private Equity LLP or its Associates

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