
Youssef Haidar

Founder and CEO

StonePine Capital Partners

Youssef Haidar’s career spans over 23 years in private equity, principal investing and advisory services, out of which 21 years in the MENA region. Youssef acted as lead investor and supported the regional growth of 8 leading international healthcare companies and realized multiple high profile exits in the healthcare and education fields (with the leading medical university in Egypt). Youssef founded StonePine Capital Partners in 2016, and subsequently co-founded Nexus Gulf Healthcare (an ever-green healthcare focused investment company). He continues to lead both organizations today.

Prior to founding StonePine Capital Partners in 2016 he held positions including Managing Director of TVM Capital Healthcare Partners and Unifund Capital.  Youssef has held multiple board positions in portfolio companies he invested in including: Taaleem/Nahda University (NUB), Nexus Gulf, Al Takhasoosi Alliance, Nerhadou Pharmaceuticals, ProVita International Medical Center, Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation, Manzil Healthcare Services, Bourn Hall International and Ameco Medical Industries.

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