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Are you an innovator or a novice when it comes to digital transformation?

Healthcare, like most other sectors is becoming increasingly consumerised brought on by an uptick in digital transformation rapidly progressed by the pandemic. Patients now expect to be able to access healthcare like they would groceries, restaurant food or the latest blockbuster. They want to access it quickly and seamlessly, where they live, work and play. 

The journey to reach this transformed, digitally underpinned patient experience has begun but there is a long and winding road to get there. Some groups are further along this journey than others but have the war stories of both mistakes and victories to help you head in the right direction.  

Studies have shown that organisations with higher digital maturity are almost three times more likely to generate growth and increase profit margins than less mature organisations. With increased competition, getting the digital experience wrong could be catastrophic for your brand. 

Siemens Healthineers along with U.S. consultancy ECG Management Consultants have designed the Healthcare Digital Maturity Framework to enable healthcare organistions understand where they currently stand on a scale of Novice to Innovator and provide a checklist for how to advance to the next level.  

It breaks into four key areas of strategy: Organisation data capabilities, optimised internal business processes, seamless patient experience and personalised medicine. The paper also outlines real examples of success, for example how Intermountain Health uses automated patient check-in questionnaires and AI technology for personalisation, or how Mayo Clinic offers an advanced care-at-home program where doctors can care for patients remotely from a command center.

Do you think you’re a Novice or an Innovator? You can find out where your organisation sits by reading the full paper here

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