
Scaling up for the Genetics
and Data Revolution

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19 June 2023 | QEII Centre, London

Welcome to Strategies for University Hospitals

The Strategies for University Hospitals initiative offers news, meetings and analysis of the sector across EMEA. It is where leaders of university hospitals, academic medical centersand research institutes gather to solve management challenges. The one-day Strategies for University Forum, now in its second year, gives attendees insights into how other institutions address challenges. This forum helps organisations create the right long-term goals, culture, and partnerships to succeed globally.

The three-day HBI 2023 program features CEOs from large international healthcare organisations in hospitals, labs/imaging, and elderly care. They discuss how they use AI, digital health, and partnerships in their operations.

 An incredibly valuable event. It’s really bringing a lot of like-minded people across the broader healthcare sector together, whether it’s around industry, legal, processes, health systems, academic institutions, end users or education. Sitting on panels with that broad variety of groups makes us think laterally. The more that we share global learnings, the more that we can all accelerate our own learning and improve and optimise what we do within healthcare.”
NADINE HACHACH-HARAM, Director of Clinical Innovation and Strategic Partnerships, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust


The theme for 2023 Strategies for University Hospitals Forum is Scaling up for the Genetics and Data Revolution.

This half day leadership forum aims to address the urgent, burning question for all university hospitals as new guidelines enforce the roll out of mass genetic testing, particularly in oncology. Whilst also recognising the need to adopt population health management systems and linking them to primary care.

Keynote sessions and speakers on Monday, June 19 currently include:

10.30 – 11.00 Keynote: What is Possible Today?

Perhaps the most advanced genetic and population health management in the world is operated by Clalit, an integrated payor/provider that covers 3m Israelis which has had sophisticated electronic patient records for over 20 years. So, with the right data, the right culture and the right systems, what is possible today? And what will be possible tomorrow?
Ran Balicer, Chief Innovation Officer, Clalit

11.00 – 12.00 Challenges and Solutions: Panel Discussion

What are the main barriers to the roll out of comprehensive genetic testing platforms for all patients? And what further challenges are imposed by broader population health management systems? How important is partnering in building these massive systems? Here we dissect the barriers and solutions which we then discuss during the day.
Prof Anna Wedell, Director, Precision Medicine, Karolinska Ran Balicer, Chief Innovation Officer, Clalit

Dr Federico Esposti, COO, San Raffaele Hospital

Moderated by Max Hotopf, Chairman and Founder, HBI

12.00 – 12.30 Keynote: Implementing Personalised Medicine in a University Hospital Setting

Anna looks at how Karolinska has created a virtual organisation where scientists and physicians find new ways of interacting, promoting cross-disciplinary collaborations. She also reflects on the real potential offered by a new generation of genomic tests, embedded in clinical medicine.
Prof Anna Wedell, Director, Precision Medicine Center, Karolinska

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14.45 Building Population Health Management Solutions: Panel Discussion

What are the real issues and challenges to building effective population health management solutions? What is the role of university hospitals in such systems and how can they best link into the wider health care system to develop a 360° view of the patient?
Prof Pim Van der Harst, Head of Cardiology, University Medical Center Utrecht

Dr Ingrid Wolfe, Director for the Institute of Women and Children’s Health, King’s College, London

Dr David Codling, Consultant Psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Moderated by Reto Merges, Head of Expanding Precision Medicine, Siemens Healthineers

14.45 – 15.30 Partnering Strategies: Panel Discussion

This session brings together a group of senior managers whose role is to promote and build partnerships in the university hospital ecosystem. How are university hospitals changing their approach to partnering whether with primary care networks, governments or suppliers? And what are the main challenges they face?
Joseph Casey, Director, Partnerships and Programmes, Kings Health Partners

Prof Johan Van Eldere, UZ Leuven

Moderated by Max Hotopf, Chairman and Founder, HBI

15:30  Tea
15.40 – 16.10 How to Partner Better: Keynote Presentation

Building these new platforms calls for multi-decade programmes and much deeper and more intricate partnerships between university hospitals and research centres and industry. In this keynote we explore what these partnerships should look like and how to best audit them. Neil Wright, Commercial Director, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust

16.10 – 17.10 How to Partner Better: Interactive Workshops

What steps do you need to take to partner more effectively whether with other provider networks or with medtech, pharma or tech? This round table small group workshop will enable you to assess where you are on the partnership ladder and to identify the actions you need to take to partner better.

17.10 – 18.00 Building Massive Data Platforms

IT and healthcare are a volatile combination! There is a long history of failed data projects! So how do you best build data platforms that are scalable and deliver the right outcomes? Dementias Platform UK is a world leading medical data platform with research data on 3.5m people and 60 cohort studies which brings together data from a vast range of sources including imaging, medical health records and the genome. John looks at what he has learnt since 2014. How do you best build such a platform and what are the mistakes to avoid?
Prof John Gallacher, Director, Dementia Platforms UK, Oxford University

Alex Beauvais, Partner, McKinsey & Company

18.00 – 19.30 Drinks Reception

What and Why

What we offer

This event gives you access to the thinking about management challenges both from other university hospitals and research institutes, but also from the CEOs who run the big, international, for-profit health care groups in hospitals, labs/imaging and elderly care. Uniquely, it looks at what can actually be achieved over the next three years based on case-studies and experience. The event has a strong emphasis on profitability and business development. It is also highly interactive with a lot of Q&A and discussion. HBI, now in its 13th year, brings together 700+ CEOs and other senior managers from over 40 countries. You should join us in June 2023.

Why you should attend​

  • Gain practical solutions to improve your strategy – You’ll find sessions on partnering, workforce/culture, brand and digital business models.
  • Understand how the sector is changing globally – How will Big Tech impact the sector? Who will win the first mile of diagnostics? Who are building international service platforms?
  • Environmental, Social and Governance are becoming ever more important. You’ll find sessions where CEOs discuss the nuts and bolts of how to implement robust ESG.
  • CEO-level case studies – This is the forum where CEOs talk frankly about their issues and challenges.
  • Meet potential partners – The economic crisis means university hospitals increasingly need to reach out beyond the public sector and consider how to best build win/win relationships with service providers, big medtech and big pharma. This is the best forum to discuss these issues.

Who should attend

Apart from CEOs and Chief Medical Officers,  this forum is highly relevant to directors of strategy, partnership, business development and cultural change. Many organisations send entire management teams to HBI. 

Why just ONE day

Did you know that this is just a small part of the 3 day HBI 2023 event? Join us for the whole experience

Public sector delegates can access all the Strategies for University Hospitals Forum events amd join global leaders in  relevant
workshop covering workforce, digital transformation, AI,
efficiency, and ESG during days 2 and 3 of HBI 2023

June 20 - Day 2

Key sessions include

09.00 – 10.00 The 2023 Healthcare M&A Landscape – an overview of how M&A is driving  health care services in the for-profit sector

11.30 – 12.30 Healthcare Regulation 2023 and beyond

12.30 – 13.30 Building the best business models for digital

13.30 – 14.30 Networking Lunch

14.30 – 15.30 Lessons in innovation from across the pond

16.15 – 17.15 The race for the first mile

17.15 – 18.15 Building a sustainable health workforce

June 21 - Day 3​

Key sessions include

09.00 – 10.00 Building a robust ESG framework 

10.00 – 11.00 How to develop my ESG framework

11.00 – 11.30 Networking break

11.30 – 12.30 Virtual wards and outpatient clinics: Embracing the future for hospitals

12.30 – 13.30 Networking Lunch

13.30 – 14.30 Imaging Diagnostics: the Care Gateway

14.30 – 15.30 Evolution in Primary Care

15.30 – 16.30 What we’ve learnt

These are only a few of the sessions at HBI 2023, ALL of which you are welcome to attend. You can see the full agenda here.

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McDermott Will & Emery