Healthcare Business International

Benefits for Providers

Stay informed

Keep up-to-date with the latest news, insights and trends that are shaping the present and future of your sector so that you can make effective business decisions.

Identify growth areas

Deep analysis by sector, geography and market share allows you to identify growth opportunities and understand risk.

Understand the investment landscape

Whether you are looking to acquire, to divest or to exit the market, we can help you to identify the companies that you will need to know. Plus, we reveal the often hard to get financial information that enables you to value companies.

Plan your internationalisation strategy

Get detailed market information across Europe and beyond to understand where consolidation is already taking place and where there is further potential to expand.


Learn about the latest business strategies and new business models from around the world and across all parts of the healthcare ecosystem.


Hear from, meet and share experiences with the people who can help you take your business to the next level.

Use HBI to get deep “in the know”, to expand your network and to stay one step ahead of the competition!

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A key research tool for Fresenius. No other content on health care services is as comprehensive or gives such a broad and structured picture of all the players.

A key research tool for Fresenius. No other content on health care services is as comprehensive or gives such a broad and structured picture of all the players.

Wolfgang Hofmann, Senior Vice president, Fresenius Medical Care

Merger of Brazilian healthcare giants greenlit

Two giants of Brazilian healthcare, listed HMOs Hapvida Participacoes e Investimentos SA and Grupo Notre Dame Intermedica Participacoes (GNDI), have received approval to merge from the country’s antitrust authority CADE…

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