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Investing in DACH

The 100m population of wealthy German-speaking countries is by far the largest market for healthcare services in Europe. What will be the trajectory for future consolidation, who are the players and what is the opportunity? A wide-ranging exploration with expert advisors, investors and operators discussing the region’s investment opportunities, growth sectors and regulatory environment. Speakers […]

Models that cover more people

Subscription models, a rise in employee paid-for insurance, digital apps and engagement, building their own ecosystems – insurers are making fundamental changes to health care delivery. This session explores these initiatives and their impact. Speakers include: Dr Hendrik Hanekom, CEO, Intercare Group Katie Wadey, Chief Product and Commercial Officer, Simplyhealth Jalil Allabadi, Co-Founder, Altibbi Moderated […]

How to solve the workforce puzzle

How do you best recruit and retain a strong workforce in nurses, doctors and specialist staff? What role does training and culture play here? Providers present case studies on how they have managed to shift the needle. Speakers include: Dr Fatih Mehmet Gul, Vice President, Fakeeh Care Group; CEO, Fakeeh University Hospital Dr Sandra Roddinger, […]

Keynote: What is possible today?

Perhaps the most advanced genetic and population health management in the world is operated by Clalit, an integrated payor/provider that covers 3m Israelis which has had sophisticated electronic patient records for over 20 years. So with the right data, the right culture and the right systems, what is possible today? And what will be possible […]

Panel discussion: Challenges and solutions

 What are the main barriers to the roll out of comprehensive genetic testing platforms for all patients? And what further challenges are imposed by broader population health management systems? How important is partnering in building these massive systems? Here we dissect the barriers and solutions which we then discuss during the day. Prof Anna Wedell, […]

Keynote: Implementing personalised medicine in a university hospital setting

Anna looks at how Karolinska has created a virtual organisation where scientists and physicians find new ways of interacting, promoting cross-disciplinary collaborations. She also reflects on the real potential offered by a new generation of genomic tests, embedded in clinical medicine. Prof Anna Wedell, Director, Precision Medicine Center, Karolinska Center for Inherited Metabolic Diseases, Karolinska […]

Panel Discussion: Building population health management solutions

What are the real issues and challenges to building effective population health management solutions? What is the role of university hospitals in such systems and how can they best link into the wider health care system to develop a 360° view of the patient? Prof Pim Van der Harst, Head of Cardiology, University Medical Center […]

Panel Discussion: Partnering strategies

This session brings together a group of senior managers whose role is to promote and build partnerships in the university hospital ecosystem. How are university hospitals changing their approach to partnering whether with primary care networks, governments or suppliers? And what are the main challenges they face? Joseph Casey, Director, Partnerships and Programmes, Kings Health […]

Keynote: How to partner better

Building these new platforms calls for multi-decade programmes and much deeper and more intricate partnerships between university hospitals and research centres and industry. In this keynote we explore what these partnerships should look like. Neil Wright, Commercial Director, Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust

Building massive data platforms: lessons and challenges

IT and healthcare are a volatile combination! There is a long history of failed data projects! So how do you best build data platforms that are scalable and deliver the right outcomes? Dementias Platform UK is a world leading medical data platform with research data on 3.5m people and 60 cohort studies which brings together data […]

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