HBI Deals+Insights / News

For-profit hospital stock in major European markets

In last week’s infographic we looked at the for-profit nursing home stock in major European markets. This week we look at the for-profit (as well as not-for-profit and public) hospital stock in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Ireland.

The hospital sector is the second most popular sub sector for real estate investors interested in the health care sector to invest in, after care homes. Since public and not-for-profit hospitals typically don’t sell their real estate to an external investor, looking at the number of hospitals in the for-profit sector gives you a rough idea of the tradable stock of hospitals.

The countries which have the biggest stocks are: Germany (1,327), France (982), Italy (623) and Poland (466). The UK has less (only around 300), due to the dominance of its NHS.

Despite Italy and Poland having a significant stock, neither country has to date developed a major market for health care real estate investment.

We would welcome your thoughts on this story. Email your views to Martin De Benito Gellner or call 0207 183 3779.