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Quarterly sales performance across Europe’s subsectors

As we head into the fourth quarter of the financial year, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on organic and inorganic growth is becoming clearer. Most groups have tipped back into positive growth but the lockdowns that hit finances so hard in the first half of the year are either looming or in full swing already.

The graph above looks at the quarterly impact on inorganic and organic sales growth for most of Europe’s largest listed (or with public bonds) companies. The dip for lab group Synlab came quicker and not as hard, mostly because recovery came in Q3 through widespread COVID-19 testing. HBI has seen a similar effect in the rest of the lab market.

The green colours represent care groups, purple is labs, orange is hospitals and blue outpatient. Hospitals and outpatient groups came down hard where there was no income protection. The care homes have also managed a more consistent picture and while not by large experiencing huge drops in income through the peak, have neither seen an acceleration in sales that comes from treating or diagnosing COVID-19 patients.

For more information about how the pandemic has impacted the market size and growth rate of each sub-sector, please book a demo for the HBI Intelligence centre.

We would welcome your thoughts on this story. Email your views to Rachel Lewis or call 0207 183 3779.