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HBI’s most searched sectors and terms of 2021

What were you searching for in 2021? According to our word cloud, collated from the 500 most searched-for terms on our website last year, it was largely – though not exclusively – the sectors most affected by Covid.

Nursing homes, labs, telehealth and teleradiology were heavily searched – but so too were ‘standalone’ outpatient services like ophthalmology (we’ve collated all the spellings in our searches!), dental and fertility.

Perhaps surprisingly, Covid itself wasn’t particularly heavily searched for. Outlying searches include pathology, prevention, and veterinary.

As with our previous word cloud, which showed our most search for companies, the size of each word indicates the frequency of appearance in our top 500 search terms.

We would welcome your thoughts on this story. Email your views to David Farbrother or call 0207 183 3779.