Hotopf, Max


Digitalising Patient Care, the State of Play

The pandemic forced a sharp uptick in digitising patient care, but as we settle into the new normal we take an in-depth look at examples of how digital transformation has reached a new horizon. How is data being used to develop patient pathways and new models of care?  What do we know about the changing […]

Regulatory & Political Risk

This remains the number one issue for investors and operators in most countries, second only to “how do I get staff?” as something liable to keep CEOs awake at night. Here we look in detail at what risks there are in different countries and sectors. what, if anything, can the sector do to allay them? […]

Investing in Europe

What do investors think about key sectors and valuations in Europe? How are concerns about increasing inflation rates impacting valuations? What impact are the ongoing healthcare reforms in the wake of the pandemic having on investment? Speakers include: Martin Henrichs, Managing Director – Head of Healthcare EMEA, UBS Anja Bickelmaier, Co Head of Healthcare, Triton […]

HBI Wrap-up session – In conversation with Martin Henrichs, UBS

What are the main insights and learnings from HBI 2021?  Max Hotopf, HBI founder talks to Martin Henrichs about what they both take away from the conference this year in terms of new business models, sector and regional insights, digital impact and the investment climate.

The New Covid-19 Policymaking Landscape

Healthcare has become far more important politically. So governments have become far more proactive and big data sets enable them, often for the first time, to systematically target vulnerable groups with high rates of co-morbidity with new programmes. What are the implications of these revolutionary changes? Confirmed speakers include: Markus Siebert, Abbott Martin Brunninger, Department […]

Funding and Recovery

The pandemic has seen governments redefine their relationship with the for-profit sector. Sometimes it is viewed as a valuable partner, sometimes as a parasite to be controlled and partly nationalised. This session explores what has changed and how the private sector has reacted to these pressures. What are the implications of this new relationship? Confirmed […]

Diagnostics: Sector Analysis

Covid-19 massively boosted lab revenues. But will labs retain the special relationship they have built with governments?  US groups, for instance, are monetising their data by working with payors on disease prevention. How are labs using digital to help doctors interpret results and to reach the consumer? Confirmed speakers include: Michiel Boehmer, Unilabs Evangelos Kotsopoulos, […]

Payors & Providers – Strengthening ties

Bupa, Cigna and Axa all have very different approaches to healthcare delivery. Yes, all three are moving strongly towards owning the diagnostic first mile of the patient journey. But Bupa has developed a model with a lot of vertical integration, owning assets as varied as dentistry, hospitals and outpatient, Axa has bought some assets where […]

Digital Transformation 1: More at home

A trend accelerated by the pandemic, this session explores how digital enables new models of home care to be adopted by hospitals, elderly care, primary care and chronic disease management. We will explore how digital has transformed the market and explore the impact on investors and payors and what challenges still remain for widespread adoption. […]

International Hospital Chains: Sector Analysis

Day surgery combined with digital health and far more sophisticated homecare will force this conservative sector to change. How can hospitals build stronger lifetime relationships with patients? How far are they deploying value health and successfully cutting costs? And how do you best manage all this change? Confirmed speakers include: Ronnie van der Merwe, Mediclinic […]

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