Outpatient (ex Primary Care)


FREE BLOG Major topics and trends discussed at HBI 2024

HBI’s annual conference took place last week. Almost 600 attendees — comprising CXOs of healthcare providers, investors, suppliers and advisors — travelled from 40 different countries to London for the event. Over the course of three days of roundtables, workshops and panel discussions, they explored the big issues the sector faces, and the opportunities available to the private sector in helping to solve them.

Healthcare investment “through the bottom of the cycle” — Goldberg (Rothschild)

At last year’s conference Hedley Goldberg, Managing Director at multinational investment bank Rothschild, predicted healthcare M&A activity would begin picking up again in Q4 2023 or Q1 2024. But we’re now halfway through 2024 and there are still very few deals above €500m taking place. Goldberg is confident, however, that we have now passed through the bottom of the cycle.

UK NHS patients to get “largest expansion of patient choice in a decade”

Pilots to test offering UK NHS patients a choice of multiple providers, including private ones, for certain types of routine out-of-hospital care will begin in selected local areas in the autumn, in what the UK government is hailing as “the largest expansion of patient choice in the NHS in a decade”. The new options for patients could help reduce waiting lists and improve care, but risk being underutilised, as has been the fate of the NHS’ other choice-expanding initiatives to date.

Aster DM GCC sale completed

The sale of the GCC division of healthcare conglomerate Aster DM has been completed for approximately $1bn.

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