Koesters, Tobias


Opportunities in Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology continues to be a big area of investor interest with considerable scope for consolidation. Governments are increasingly outsourcing cataract operations and the sector is starting to unlock the potential for multifocal lenses in middle age. Panellists include the CEO of Veonet, the largest European ophtha chain and the CEO of Opty, the largest in […]


Ophthalmology continues to be a big area of investor interest with considerable scope for consolidation. Governments are increasingly outsourcing cataract operations and the sector is starting to unlock the potential for multifocal lens in middle age.  We’ll explore how businesses are increasing their value in the drive for profit growth. Speakers include: Tim Clover, CEO, […]

Big Picture: Europe’s Ophthalmology Market

Topics include: Bouncing back from the financial hit of COVID as business becomes brisker Meeting pent-up demand, and the need to relieve pressure on public waiting lists How to persuade payors of the benefits of technology – the advantage of digital pathways Post-COVID consolidation pushes and opportunities; is bigger always beautiful? Panel includes: Tobias Koesters, Partner, […]

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