

Interview: Attila Vegh, CEO, Penta Hospitals Group

By 2025 Penta Hospitals Group (PHG) owned by private equity house Penta Investments, plans to more than triple sales to over €1bn. But growth could be even faster, says its new CEO, Attila Vegh, a former boss of three large English NHS hospital trusts. The real ambition of the group, a merger of Svet Zdravia in Slovakia, the Polish chain EMC and Penta’s hospitals in Czech Republic, is even greater than the sales forecasts suggest. Much of the growth he says will come from working with the public sector. Vegh says that Penta wants to be “a disrupter, a company which introduces best practice and innovation,” thus persuading public payors to rethink their attitude to the private sector. So how do you do that in a region which is becoming increasingly statist and hostile to international capitalism?

BaltCap jumps on Estonian dentist

Estonian private equity house BaltCap is buying a 56% stake in the country's largest dental chain, Dental Invest Estonia (DIE). Martin Kõdar from BaltCap says the plan is to expand from general dentistry and orthodontics to new services like ear, nose and throat surgery.

Report: Recession failed to force healthcare reform

How did the crash hit European public healthcare systems? Seven years on, an exhaustive new book by a dozen academics, Economic Crisis, Health Systems and Health in Europe, suggests the deep recession has had little impact. The book’s 500 pages narrow down on how countries responded to the crisis. Interestingly, when Healthcare Europa looked at […]

Euromedic appoints HSBC

Imaging services provider Euromedic has appointed HSBC to review the business. Bankers expect this to lead to a sale this autumn.

What are the prospects for nursing homes in Eastern Europe?

Batipart, the big property group which is a big investor in Korian, is quietly exploring the East European care home market with Senior Group, a small company ran out of Paris by Nicolai Kobliakov. We talk to him about demand for private beds in East Europe and his plans to launch an invasion of prefabricated cottages for the elderly in France. Kobliakov spoke at a recent session at property conference MIPIM arranged by Stephan Pichon, the healthcare proerty expert at Your Care Consult in Paris.

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