Archived PI


Finnish region to launch €1bn healthcare tender

One of Finland's regions has taken a stand against continued SOTE delays by opting to outsource its health and social services through a joint venture worth up to €1bn with a single operator. It's the first substantial tender since new outsourcing tenders were banned in 2016 - could other regions follow?

How do you solve the Belgian bed problem?

Belgium's three regions have vastly different occupancy rates when it comes to nursing home beds. Would pan-European policy favouring the free movement of retirees be a way to lessen waiting lists by funnelling them toward markets more able to house them? We ponder the question with founder and managing director of Belgian real-estate advisory firm Anixton.

Troubled public sector could open opportunities for German hospitals

Ameos, Germany's largest for-profit psychiatric provider by revenue, is bidding for a non-profit university hospital in Saxony-Arnhalt, northwestern Germany, alongside SRH Kliniken, a top-ten for-profit hospital group. We hear publicly-owned hospitals are in trouble and this could open up opportunities for the private sector across the country.

Debts stacking up for NHI schemes

Nearly three years after the CEO of Ghana's National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) declared it "almost bankrupt", its President claims that his party has cleared the GHS1.2bn ($200m) debt. The country isn't alone in having stacked up debt: HBI looks at the arrears of NHI schemes across emerging markets.

Exclusive: Doctrin reduces frequent visitors by 39% at Capio

In December 2018, B2B digital health player Doctrin started to integrate its solution into Capio's primary care health centres in Sweden. One year on it shares data with HBI that shows significant reductions in frequent attendances, increase in productivity and reduction in waiting times.

Mayo Clinic launches first hospital outside the US

US Academic Medical Centre Mayo Clinic has become a shareholder and operator of a large public hospital in Abu Dhabi, UAE, its first outside of the United States. It confirms HBI's exclusive report in February, which the group denied at the time.

Germany’s new frontier for digital healthcare

Germany's digital health sector has been overhauled as the Bundestag passes a law that will see prescribed health apps and teleconsultations publicly reimbursed, alongside a whole host of other reforms. HBI explains the law, assesses data on doctor attitudes to digital care, and looks at who is already moving in the sector.

Law could open up opportunities in German respiratory care

A draft law is being discussed in the German Parliament which could change the way businesses provide oxygen therapy outside of hospital, by moving patients away from homecare ventilation and into specialised nursing homes for respiratory treatment. An investor talks to us about this potential opportunity.

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