Gellner, Martin


Primary Care PLUS

The huge primary care sector in Europe holds the key to outpatient consolidation.  Here we look at how operators are pairing it with digital and telehealth, pharmacies and imaging. And at how they are reimagining its delivery and business models. Amon van den Borg, CEO, AEZ Group Bart Malenstein, CEO, Quin Murray Ellender, CEO and […]

Mental Health

Covid has created huge extra demand for mental health services. How far can this be met by digital therapeutics and how can operators consolidate this fragmented sector?  And how far are more acute psychiatric needs being addressed in the for-profit sector? Speakers include: Kate Newhouse, COO & Executive Director, Kooth Alexis Grand, Deputy CEO, Inicea […]

Imaging and Radiotherapy

These closely related sectors are seeing a huge M&A boom as investors seek to consolidate rich west Europe (DACH, France and Northern Italy). Other players such as Affidea with its platform in 15 countries are also for sale. So what is the attraction? And how far is it possible to build an ecosystem of outpatient clinics […]

Elderly Care II: Assisted Living Sector

Retirement villages for active 60-year olds through to sheltered housing for vulnerable 80-90 year olds is a huge, fast-growing sector. In some countries such as France it is an alternative to the rationed nursing home sector. But how far should it be seen as a services-led business and how far as real estate? We look […]

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