

FREE BLOG Are retirement villages still the future of elderly care?

Back in 2021 there was a definite sense amongst those involved in Europe’s elderly care sector that investment into retirement villages was set to explode. But in the last couple of years investment into new retirement village sites has stalled. Is this just a temporary blip, or are there more fundamental barriers preventing development in the sector? 

FREE BLOG A new HBI for a new era

Last week I wrote about the inspiration behind the conference title “New models for the new era” and how it applies to our healthcare sector. As well as serving this market, HBI is a media business too. This week I’d like to share some thoughts about our journey and place in the market. Spoiler alert: we are branching out beyond the traditional health care services beat that has been our mainstay. Read on to find out more. 

FREE BLOG New models for the new era

This week I‘ve been thinking about 'New models for the new era', the conference title for HBI 2024, which will take place in London June 10-12.

FREE BLOG The best of both worlds for property investors?

Property investors are increasingly attracted to healthcare, in large part because tenants with government-backed income are a safe bet and 25-year leases are the norm. But when it comes to green or brownfield healthcare development it is generally the private sector, not the public sector with the most projects. As demand rises the private sector across Europe is taking up some of the slack with either an increased PMI or out-of-pocket spend or through public-private joint ventures. The combination of these two gusty tailwinds could prove very lucrative for property investors.

FREE BLOG To spin or not to spin, that is the question

Success stories in digital transformation projects are likely to lead to a difficult decision for healthcare leaders: do we spin this out and build a new revenue stream and let the wider system benefit? Or do we keep it to ourselves? With the amount of investment and the number of projects underway, this dilemma will become much more common. For start-ups, could this be a worrying development?

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